How it works

The Discord connector indexes all channels for all servers(guilds) mentioned.

Setting up a Bot User

  1. Login to your discord’s developer portal
  2. Click on the “New Application” button.
  3. Give the application a name and click “Create”.
  4. Navigate to the “Bot” tab to configure it.
  5. Make sure that Public Bot is ticked if you want others to invite your bot.
  6. Under the Privileged Gateway Intents make sure MESSAGE CONTENT INTENT is checked.
  7. Copy the token using the “Copy” button. If you have lost your token, you can click on Reset Token.

Inviting the Bot User to server(s)

So you’ve made a Bot User but it’s not actually in any server. To add the bot user in your server follow the steps

  1. Open your application at .
  2. Head over to the Installation tab.
  3. Check the Guild Install under the Installation contexts.
  4. Add bot scope under the scopes for Guild Install.
  5. Under the permissions section for Guild Install, give these minimum permissions Manage Messages, Read Message History and View Channels.
  6. Use the Discord Provided Link to install the bot to the server(s) you want. Make sure you have Manager server permissions on that guild or server
  7. Open the link in the browser and add the bot to your server(s)


  1. Navigate to the Connector Dashboard and select the Discord Connector.
  2. Enter the Bot Token under credentials you fetched from Setting up a Bot User step 6.
  3. Enter the server IDs. By default all channels of all servers/guilds in which the bot user is added will be indexed or processed.
  4. To fetch server ID of a particular server. Right click on the name of the server located on the top right corner and click on Copy Server ID
  5. Enter the channel names. By default all channel names under the server(s) from step 3 that the bot user has access to will be indexed or processed.
  6. To get the channel name, hit on the settings icon next to the channel name. You will find the channel name in the Overview section
  7. Optionally you can set a Start Date in the format of YYYY-MM-DD. Only messages after this date will be indexed or processed.